As we near the end of another school year, it’s again time to announce the date of our Annual Meeting and get-together.

This year’s event will be on Saturday, June 10, from 6:00 until 10 PM at the Montgomery Post American Legion, 6331 Mill Street, Rhinebeck. There will be a cocktail hour with cash bar and snacks from 6 PM until 7, followed by a buffet dinner at 7 PM. There is a limit of 125 attendees, so please make your reservations early. Please use the enclosed reservation form or visit rhinebeckalumni.com.

This year, we will award $10,500.00 in scholarships and awards to graduating seniors. These will consist of two $4,000.00 ($1,000.00 per year of college) and two $1,000.00 one-time scholarships. We will also give $500.00 in awards to two seniors showing the most improvement over their high school years.

Thank you to all of you who contribute the funds for these awards. We would not be able to do this without your support. On the back of this letter, you will find a list of all those who contributed $50 or more to the scholarship fund in the past year. Unfortunately, due to space limitations in the mailing, we are not able to list every contribution. Please know that we appreciate ALL contributions, no matter the amount. Every dollar contributed helps a Rhinebeck graduate continue his or her education. The cost of a four year degree, including tuition, fees, books, room and board, and expenses, even at a New York State university, can cost $100,000.00 or more.

Please visit our website at www.rhinebeckalumni.com. This site allows the opportunity to communicate better with your classmates and friends, pay your Alumni dues, and make scholarship contributions. Also, please “like” Rhinebeck Alumni Association on Facebook.

The Alumni Council, after two years of work, has completed an update of the Association’s By-laws. The changes update our communications practices (i.e. Social Media, e-mail, and the website instead of the Rhinebeck Gazette), virtual meetings and electronic payment methods. As it becomes more difficult to find volunteers, the minimum number of Council members has been reduced to 12 from 15. If you would like copies of the old and new by-laws to review, please send your request to rhinebeckalumni@gmail.com. We will also have paper copies at the Annual Meeting on June 10 for those present to review prior to voting on the changes.

While we transition to electronic communications and away from traditional mailings, costs continue to escalate. The Council has decided that dues will remain at $10.00 this year. Please mail your dues and scholarship contributions with the enclosed reservation form to the address at the top of this letter, or pay online at rhinebeckalumni.com. Again, every contribution to the scholarship fund is appreciated. I hope you and your families are safe and healthy and that you will consider joining us in June!

Rhinebeck Alumni Association

Mark E. Fleischhauer ’83, President


2021 -2022 Council Members

Rhinebeck Alumni Association Annual Dinner & Meeting June 11 2022

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

Mark Fleischhauer 1983 Dolores Stone Putoriti 1952 Gretchen von der Lieth 1985 Mark Fleischhauer 1983

Roberta Langhans Bloomer 1973 Nicole Calafrancesco
Todd Dezago 1979 Stephanie Harrison 1979 Sandra Cotting Kane 1975 Lynn Lobostsky 1979

Floral Arrangements compliments of Wonderland Florist

Audrey Asher Mallory 1950 Judith Piplow McMichael 1955 Lorraine Putoriti Ricci 1985 Patricia Hart Varricchio 1951 Xandra Zucker 2016

The Blessing and in Memoriam – Mark Fleischhauer 1983 – Please let us know of any deceased members In Memoriam for 2021 -2022

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Annan Murray Allen 1946 William L Martin 1959
William Dowden 1968
Ellen McCarthy Hubbert 1959 Phillip A. Bollenbecker 1955 John “Jack” McCarney Jr. 1951 Nicholas Victor Karchmer 2020 Virginia Ross von der Lieth 1952 Katherine Graff 1948

Bruce Kurtz 1953
Michael Strong 1954 Carolyn “Bumpy” Lown 1956 Jay McMahon 1962
Alan Chlystun 1963
Peg Hunt – Teacher

John R Harrison 1974
Stuart “Stu” Murray 1959
Gary George 1956
Rudolph “Rudy” Schrull 1976
Howard Mann 1956
Barbara Jean Cunningham Rockefeller 1963 Alice Pottenburgh Magee 1949
Jean Dobson (teacher)
Duane Whittaker 1969

Kevin Russell 1972 Robin Lee Veach 1974

Jeff Thibodeau 1976
Roger Newkirk 2005
Emerson Burger 1955 (died 2020) Sally Henck – Teacher

Welcome by President – Mark Fleischhauer 1983
We are going to start the meeting portion of the evening.

Roll Call of Anniversary Classes- read by Stephanie Harrison 1979
Due to COVID we a have a couple of extra classes celebrating with us tonight
52 Years (Class of 1970) -Joann DeFile, Doug McCord, Thomas Dawson, Juliet Wright, Sherry Loeber Dunn, Jack Woods, Robert Closs, Lee Ann Huber Alhin, Valerie Swatton Norman, Cal Fowx, Dennis Doherty, and Betsy Jacaruso
51 Years (Class of 1971) – Deborah Demarest Jones, Susan Russell Robinson and Kevin Rheden
50 Years (Class of 1972) – Patricia Harrison Schrull, Lida Traver Landy, Nancy Haskins Mamazza and Fred Scholldorf
45 Years (Class of 1977) Mark Russell and Fred Wood
10 Years (Class of 2012) Lawrence Lang
2022 Graduating Class Bryce Aierstok, Colin Reichelt, Riley LeHane and Alexis Martinez

Honorary & Faculty Members Present: read by Judy Piplow McMichael – Mary Fleischhauer

Recognition of Two or More Generations- read by Gretchen von der Lieth
Mark Fleischhauer 1983, James Fleischhauer 2014 and Sarah Fleischhauer 2016 Peter Sipperley 1953 and Karl Sipperley 1988
Stephanie Harrison 1979 and Xandra Zucker 2016
Mark Russell 1977 and Evan Russell 2013
Keith Reichelt 1993 and Colin Reichelt 2022

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President Message – Mark Fleischhauer 1983
We are going to start the meeting portion of the evening. We are in the process of updating the Bi-Laws to make them more current, we will vote on those next year. We want to move away from mailing, we sent 850 letters this year. Please let us know of any address changes you may know of. I would like a motion to accept the 2020-2021 minutes as mailed, motion carried. I would like a motion to accept the Treasure’s Report found on the back of the program. Motion carried.

Rhinebeck Alumni Association Balance Sheet June 1, 2021 to May 31, 2022 Assets


M&T Bank
Savings Account

Checking Account Mid-Hudson Valley FCU

Checking Account Savings Account Scholarship CD

Total Current Assets Income

Alumni Event Receipts Dues Receipts Interest Income Scholarship Donations

Total Income Expenses

Alumni Event Deposit Postage
PO Box Rental Printing

Yearbook Ad

Scholarship Payments Total Expenses

Net Income

25,079.69 3,436.41


1,245.29 25,408.75 56,854.65

1,769.08 1,856.96 58.71 9.893.02


500.00 988.80 146.00 451.33 255.49

8,000.00 10,341.62 3,236.15

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We are looking for a Treasurer if anyone would like to volunteer or if anyone knows of someone. We have a volunteer from the floor for treasurer. Mark Russell Class of 1977 says he is retired now and has the time. He would like to volunteer for treasurer. Motion was made and carried, to appoint Mark Russell treasurer of the Rhinebeck Alumni Association.

Introduction and presentation of the Scholarship Awards:
We are presenting two $4,000 and two $1,000 scholarships:
$4,000 scholarship winners:
Colin Reichelt who will be attending Coastal Carolina University to study PGA Management and Business.
Alexis Martinez – who will be attending Lafayette Collage to study Government Law and Foreign Language
$1,000 scholarship winners:
Riley LeHane – will be attending Dutchess Community College for Computer Science after which she will transfer to a four-year school to study astrophysics.
Bryce Aierstok – will be attending Pace University for Adolescent Biology

Motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Sarah Fleischhauer class of 2016 led singing of the Alma Mater 50/50 Raffle Drawn

Respectfully submitted:
Gretchen von der Lieth Class of 1985 Secretary